Announcement! What to Expect for The Next 9 Days?

Hello everyone! I have a jam-packed schedule for next week and weekend. So, what to expect here for the next 9 days? As I’ll be busy, my posts will be pre-made only, meaning that I’ll receive the pre-made posts from the book tour organizers and copy and paste them without creating them myself. For that reason, I’ll not have time to create the posts for the next 9 days, until January 14th. The only exception would be 2 posts, I’ll find the time to create those upcoming 2 posts as I will give the reasons why everyone should read a book. Think of them as a review, but they would be a list of reasons instead (you’ll see later). Another exception is 1 post, which I created it in advanced and will be released soon. Look forward to them (as well as upcoming posts) and I’ll be back creating the posts on January 15th or later. Until then, have a wonderful day!